The Other Side

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My wife worked last night and as there was nothing on TV I decided to have a play with my Echovox. Not a lot came through..... But I hadn't used it in a while so I wasn't really expecting all that much. However what came through was interesting enough to keep me playing with it.

Anyway I've been watching a show called The Other Side. It's a paranormal type reality show, the reason I like this one - even though it's made for TV, is because it doesn't have all the drama. You know where one guy yells out he's been scratched and they all start running about like lunatics. 

So on The Other Side they don't use a lot of equipment either, they mainly use a KII meter which I found interesting. They would ask the spirit to flash the lights:- 2 flashes for yes and 1 flash for no. They would try and get names by going through the alphabet, I thought this aspect would be tiring for spirits as they use what energy they have to answer yes or no..... Let alone 'flashing' for every letter of their name.

I have a KII meter and I have used it on the odd occasion when I have used the Echovox and I have had results when I have asked if 'someone' could light it up. Last night when the Echovox messages were getting a bit too garbled, I decided I might try what I saw them do on the TV show. So I sat in the lounge room with the KII and spoke to it for about 15 minutes. lol I felt a bit silly to be honest lol

Just when I was about to give up and go to bed, it flashed! At first I thought I had blinked and thought I saw it light up, so I asked for confirmation. I asked that if anyone was there, could they please make the lights flash again. The lights flashed. I asked the 'being/spirit' if they could flash the lights to answer yes (I didn't bother with no). I asked if they were someone I had been speaking with tonight - no lights. I asked if they had visited before - no lights. I asked if I had spoken to them another time - no lights. I asked if they were still there - it flashed. I asked if they were in my house - it flashed. I asked if they were going to stay in my house - it flashed. I asked if they were related - it flashed. I asked if it was my Aunt - no lights. I asked if it was my Father - it flashed.  

After that last question I didn't receive anymore responses. I sooo wished I had recorded this on video!!!! I am going to try this again after an Echovox session to see if anyone else tries to come through via the KII. From what I've read, many professional paranormal people have stated that for some reason not all spirits can communicate through all devices. I have no idea if last night my Father really did come through..... What I do know is the lights flashed only after I asked a question, they didn't flash randomly.

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