10 Day You Challenge - Day Seven - Four Books

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day Seven - Four Books

I love to read and I have read so many great books. I could quite easily list so many more than four books, that have had an impact on my life. I have already changed my list of top four books twice. If I keep doing this, this post will never get published! lol

1. Many Lives, Many Masters By Brian Weiss - This is the first book that I ever read on the topic of reincarnation and past life therapy. It was an absolute page turner. Given that I am not affiliated with any particular religious organisation and have always been on the fence when it comes to - do we go to heaven, or are we reincarnated? It was a brilliant book to start with as a beginner and I highly recommend it to anyone who has even the slightest of interest in the topic or even feels that they would like to know more. It certainly opened my eyes and mind, to possibilities that I had not previously thought about. This I believe is a good thing. Sadly, I loaned this book to someone, who in turn loaned it to someone, who then in turn loaned it to someone else and I never got it back. :o( If anything, I guess that proves that it is one of those books, that needs to be shared and that people need to be made aware of how amazing it is. Here is a link to Amazon for further reviews.

2. The Five People You Meet In Heaven By Mitch Albom -This was a book that I randomly purchased one day while I was browsing in a book store. I hadn't heard of the book or the author, but something about the cover caught my eye, and I'm so glad it did. I don't want to say too much about it, except that the ending is perfect and ties the whole story together nicely. It's basically a tale about how our lives affect others..... Even if that action is as simple as smiling at a stranger on the street. I have also watched the movie and the ending is the same, however the book version describes the ending a little more clearly. Here is a link to Amazon for further reviews.

3. Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles (Interview With A Vampire) and The Lives Of The Mayfair Witches - Now I know this is kind of cheating because it's not one book, but two series. I read both of these series a number of years ago, I literally lived and breathed all things Anne Rice. The characters and the settings that they lived in were so life like, I felt that I knew all of the characters. Here is a link to Amazon where you will find all of Anne Rice's books and their reviews.

4. To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - This is a classic text, yet it still has so many contemporary lessons that can be learnt today. If you are unaware of the story, it is about an African American man who is charged with the rape of a white woman.... That says it all. Sadly the author only ever wrote this one book, even though it's rumored that she still writes today, but she chooses to file her manuscripts, rather than publish them. This was due to all of the comments made by the critics when it was published. The author was so sick of hearing what the critics 'really thought' the book was about, so she decided to never publish again. This book also won a Pulitzer Prize. Here is a link to Amazon for further reviews.

You can follow me and what I read on:- Good Reads by clicking here.


  1. Thanks Dina! :o)
    Are you giving blogging a break for a while?

  2. Fair enough. We all need one every now and then :o) I hope life is treating you good :o)
