That Green Bird & A Bit Of Stitching

Monday, October 6, 2014

Some of you might remember around the start of the year we bought a bird. He was supposed to be my bird...... I could hold him and pat him on the back, he would 'share' my breakfast with me etc. Well when I bought the store I was up and out the door 7 days a week lol as a result Tango and I are no longer the best of friends lol He is now my wife's bird. She can do what ever she likes with him, and he's okay with that. She even kisses his beak!! Personally I wouldn't dare put my face near that beak.... Unless I wanted my nose or lip pierced! lol

I can't even get him out of the cage! I actually left the door open one day and walked away in the hope he would come out.... But nope! He just sat there looking at me through the bars. However, here's the kicker!! The first two sounds he made were whistles - which I taught him! Then he copied the sound of the microwave - which I use. Then he mimicked the sound of my mobile phone. After that was his name, followed by pretty boy, who's a pretty boy, Tango Tango, and birdie birdie birdie. All of which I taught him! This bird has double standards! He doesn't like me and wont come near me, yet mimic's what I say! Go figure! Geez and they say cats are finicky! lol

So here is an update of my Queen cross stitch - even though two of the boys are done I still have the backstitching to do on them. I'm hopeful that I will get more done on this pattern this weekend, as it's a long weekend and my store isn't opening on Monday. I have opened in the past on Public Holidays and it just isn't worth it, so I'm closing the store on Monday.... Which means I get a day off! Woo Hoo! :) I know that most people would love their long weekend to be nice and sunny (which it's going to be) but I would really love it if it was cold, miserable and rainy! lol 

When we lived in the mountains it was either rainy, cold, snowing, misty, foggy or all of those combined lol Sunny days just weren't that frequent, and it was something you simply lived with - without giving it a second thought really. Now that we live in a coastal area it's always sunny, and I have a hard time stitching when the weather's nice. I don't know why, I guess it's because I feel that I should be doing something (constructive lol) outside, rather than sitting on my butt inside stitching lol First world problems huh? Anyway, enough weather waffling. If you live in Australia, have a great long weekend!! :)


  1. I love your Queen pattern. And I feel the same about the weather. I have a track I shut the blinds lol

    1. Thanks! I can't...... Because then I am forced to wear my glasses which I absolutely detest lol It's a no win - first world problem lol
