Storms And Colds

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

So what's been happening that's kept me away from Blogger? lol Where do I start? Okay so not long after my last post, the area I live in had the worst storm ever and it lasted 3 days! It was classed as a category 2 cyclone! I don't live in a tropical region, so cyclones technically shouldn't occur. I have never experienced anything like it in my life! I've seen on the news when tornadoes go through in America, and the people have those bunkers because they live in a region prone to such storms, and I often wonder how they keep wanting to live in those areas? After the storm we had, one was enough! I don't think I could live somewhere that had these storms/cyclones frequently!

We lost power for 3 days, the home phone for a week, our garage was flooded and rain was constantly blown in, around and under doors in our house, and we had some damage to our fences. We still had running water and gas so we were able to cook and wash. Mind you - when I say 'wash' lol I mean heating large pots of water on the stove and pouring them into the bath, as the gas water system has an electric ignition lol When the power came back on, you've never seen someone so happy to have a shower! Having a bird bath just isn't the same lol.

Others weren't so lucky, some lost power for more than a week, some lost the roof off their homes..... Others lost their entire home and sadly some lost their lives. Roads were closed in some areas due to power lines across roads, trees across roads or flooding. 

The news constantly told people to stay off the roads unless it was absolutely necessary. Guess what? I had to go out lol My shop is open 7 days a week and I have an online store. I only closed the shop for 1 day, but people from other states were still ordering products online. I took the photo above when I was on my way to the shop to fulfill an online order. I'm lucky I drive a SUV so the water wasn't an issue for me, but some cars that drove through this had water above the bottom of their doors. It also amazed me that people didn't slow down. One my way back home a woman in a small car raced into the water behind me.... Given that my car was much higher than hers she copped a huge wave of water over the bonnet and windscreen.... She slowed down after that.

So after the clean up, including drying my garage out all seemed to be good. Then about a week later it rained again and I heard something dripping!!! I checked all the taps and couldn't find where it was coming from, then I looked into the garage and discovered that water was dripping through a small hole in the gyprock ceiling just centimetres from my kiln. The garage was flooded again. We had a builder come out to check the damage, and it turned out that the wind from the cyclone had blown a bunch of roof tiles out of place. Phew! He put the tiles back in place and didn't even charge me. We've had rain since and the garage remained dry :) 

Next topic lol I had my last x-ray checked 3 weeks ago by my Dr and the morning of the appointment I woke up with a sore throat and burning eyes. I thought 'Oh No! This is how it all started!'. She told me my x-ray was almost all clear and there was no need for another one. I told her about the symptoms I had when I woke up and she checked me over but couldn't find anything.... She told me to keep an on it as she didn't want me to land up back in hospital. By that afternoon I felt horrid, I had another cold. 

That was 3 weeks ago and I still have it. I was almost over it by the end of last week, but on the weekend we had been booked for a stall at an outdoor event for our shop. It rained all day and it was freezing cold. The whole time I was standing there I just knew the weather was going to set me back. Sure enough, Monday morning I woke up feeling like I was back to day 2 of when it first kicked in. I'm drugged up and feel awful, I'm really over having a cold and feeling like this.

I have some other news, it's sad and deserves it own post. So I shall write it now and schedule it for tomorrow. I'm off for another handful of tissues! 

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