Saturday, January 4, 2014

Okay, so it's the 3/1/14..... I know I'm a couple of days late, but - Happy New Year! Christmas has come and gone, and New Years Eve has done the same. We probably all ate too much, but we did live to tell the tale lol. I hope that you all had a great Christmas/holiday period :o)

Guess what? Easter is next.... My wife was at Coles yesterday and they're already selling Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns!!!! WTF!?!?! Are they serious?!?! Give me a break! Before you know it, there won't be a gap between Christmas, Easter, Valentines day, St Patricks Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Halloween and any other day that I can't think of right now. It will be like shopping in a supermarket that has 'theme week'. Rant over... 

So how many of you made New Years Resolutions? You're going to lose weight, save more, renovate the house, spend more time at home, cut down how many takeaways you buy, spend less money, win lotto, drink less, give up smoking, learn an instrument..... The list goes on. I didn't make a single one! That's right! Not one! Why? Because I have no idea what my last one was.... So it was either too unrealistic, or not all that important. Plus, I'm okay with my life as it is. If I need to change something I will, I don't need to wait until the first day of the first month of a new year to do it. 

You know those Bitstrip thingies that people post on Facebook? I made my own and posted it.... A comment was left that pretty much went along the lines of, that I had no goals and it was rather negative in tone. I wrote:- If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This is how I view it.... I'm not going to write a great long list, and tick them off as I accomplish them. As I said, I'm happy with my life, I know which way I'm going, so why would I need a list? To those of you who did make a list, good luck! I hope you make it! :o)

I haven't had much time to play with Echovox with all that's been going on, but I did manage to plant a herb garden! As our kitchen is in the middle of the house (grrr), we don't have a kitchen window and the dinning room window sill is too narrow for pots to sit on. I had this old church pew sitting in the garage, which I only drag out at Halloween.... Except the spot where I put it, now has another piece of furniture permanently in that spot. Anyway, I decided the pew would look good under the dinning room window. So I grabbed a bunch of miss matched pots, and after a trip to the shops for plants and soil.... There you have it! An indoor herb garden :o)


  1. I am TOTALLY with you on the resolution thing. Yes. If you're unhappy with something in life, why wait for January 1 to change it. And if you're relatively happy with life, why force a change?

    I love your herb garden. We were thinking of trying once again to garden. Maybe we'll steal your idea of miss-matched pots.

    That's funny/pathetic about Easter stuff. Here we have the Valentine's Day stuff after Christmas. I think maybe your v-day there is less commercialized than ours. I don't know why they put the stuff out so early? Are they lacking storage? Do people really buy things that much ahead of time? I would think most people buy things last minute.

    1. Hey Dina,

      We don't have space outside for a garden :o( The miss-matched pot thing was due to me having a couple of pots, then buying a couple of different ones. lol It's funny, years ago I would've wanted them to all match! But at the moment I'm into stuff that goes together, but isn't a 'set'. lol

      Valentines Day will start to get a thrashing about 2 weeks before the date.... It think it's just a commercial thing, they just want to buy, buy, buy. It must be a nightmare for parents who take their kids when they buy groceries.
