The Ancient Egyptian Oracle - The Cards Of Ra-Maat

Friday, August 2, 2013

Today I decided that I would dust off my deck of - The Ancient Egyptian Oracle - The Cards Of Ra-Maat. I haven't used them for quite sometime.... I wasn't looking to do a full reading, I just wanted one card for a general pointer... The card I selected was the card "Concerns ~ Problems and Worries". I thought that this was a pretty good card to draw from the pack, as it is regarding other peoples perception that I am/have become distant and detached and I'm in a world of my own.

To a degree this is very true! However in saying that, there is the quote:- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction - Isaac Newton. As some of you know, I have had a lot going on in my life over the past months. I'm not just talking about losing my Aunt, but also simultaneously being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Adult ADHD (you can click here for more on that topic) and the trials that come with taking medication that alters the way you feel/think.

Most people in my life have been very understanding and supportive, yet there is always that one apple in the cart - so to speak. It is that one apple that has caused a chunk of me to become - distant, detached and in a world of my own - and for the time being, I am quite happy being there!


  1. I do understand why you are feeling the way you do and trying to find answers, Alex. My beautiful niece has Bipolar Disorder and it truly affects her quality of life.

    Keep those around you who are more understanding and try to ignore those who don't and probably never positive thoughts are with you~

  2. Ahhh Alex.. that one apple!
    I'm not sure I'm a great believer in the cards, but I believe in drawing what you need from any reading or setting.
    I think you got what you needed. Insight. Perspective. Some guidance and even a little bit of humour - recognising 'that one apple' is important in realising there will never be a 'perfect' scenario.
    I quite like being a little 'on my own'. I know I can trust myself, so if that is where I'm at, that is alright. xxx

  3. I'm with Jan ^ above...try not to let those "bad apples" spoil your thinking and the way you feel. Try to focus more on those who love and support you. I have a male friend around your age, coincidentally enough, that has also been diagnosed with ADHD and BP...and I have a relative that's BP, as well as the adult children of two of my friends. Try to stay positive! :-)

  4. Hi Jan, Lisa and Melanie,

    Again sorry for the delay in replying and replying in a group post. I normally respond much quicker than I have, but I was out all day yesterday and have had a nasty headache take up residence in my head today - I raised the rent but it still hasn't moved out lol


    I do my very best to stay away from those negative people as not only does it affect me, but in turn my mood affects my wife - which is the last thing I want to do.


    Yep, insight and perspective is what I got and I always try to find humour in everything - life is too short to be serious all the time lol At the moment I am really quite enjoying 'me time'. I think it's something we all need every now and then, and I don't believe that there's anything wrong with that.


    I don't think of myself as an ignorant person, as I read a wide variety of topics. But it wasn't until I was diagnosed, that I realised just how common it is! I always knew that mental health issues were out there and could latch onto anyone, but so many people that I have met or spoken to about it since my diagnosis all have a family member or friend who has some kind of mental health issue. It has quite blown me away!

    I think that in general I am positive 95% of the time. Which I guess is really no different to anyone else. We all have something or a 'button' that will irk us.

    Thank you all for commenting :o)
