Markets, Shopping... And A Bit Of A Whinge

Monday, August 5, 2013

My wife and I are the kind of couple that go out everywhere together, except for grocery shopping.... My wife mostly does that herself lol as she says that it costs more when I go along lol... Anyway sorry, wandering off the topic here as I do.... My wife is working nightshift at the moment, so she's asleep during the day, and there were some markets on that I wanted to check out. So I decided that I would go by myself, it was a bit of a weird feeling being there without her.

The view from the markets

I love markets! Especially when it's a nice sunny day - not too hot, and just being able to browse around at all of the handcrafts and unique items for sale. But there is one thing that I am starting to see a trend in, and that's the number of stalls that are selling mother/baby type stuff. Now before I get flamed or some troll rolls in and abuses me, I do not have an issue with mothers or babies. My wife and I don't have children - because we can't, not because we didn't want any. Neither of us begrudge other people or hold any ill-will towards those who do have children either. . .

Alert! Whinge Below!

Today when I went to these markets, the number of mother/baby stalls were out of control... Seriously. Yes I know that they say that males don't like to shop, or that women make most of the purchases..... But there is also the flip side of the coin, that if there were items for sale that were directed at a male market, men will buy them. I am a male and I shop. If I see items that I can use, or that I think would look nice in our home, I will pull my wallet out of my pocket and I will buy them. I'm also a huge supporter of buying locally and supporting 'the little guy'. But how do I do this, when most of the stuff that is being sold locally is aimed at mothers and babies? We don't all have children, we don't all know people that have children and some of us don't have family members with children. Okay, I had to get that out. I'm not normally someone who 'whinges', but this handmade baby culture thing just got to me today. 

Whinge Over! :o)

A small selection. . . 

On a positive note I found some soy candles! There were so many different ones to choose from, sometimes too much choice is a bad thing for me when it comes to candles lol! I normally go for the same or similar scented candles, but today I decided to be a bit adventurous and buy some that I hadn't purchased before. Daring, I know! lol

So decided on four, which should keep me going until I find some more markets to check out. I hope whatever it is that you did on your weekend was a blast! 

I'm also just going to take this chance to give Lisa over at Button Brain a plug :o) She has started a Weekend Writers Group, click here for the details :o) 


  1. That's a beautiful view, Alex, my friend, and I have yet to purchase some candles that are made out of soy, for I heard they have a long burning span. Is that correct?

  2. You're funny.

    It's not at all offensive. I think it will annoy most anyone to go to a market and see that it's saturated with one kind of thing. Well, not one thing; but one TYPE of thing. It would be especially annoying if it's the type of thing you don't need.

    It would be like a vegetarian going to a food market and finding it's pretty much all meat products.

  3. Great post! You made a good point lol.
    New follower from Button Brain.

  4. LOL I'm hearing you! I guess if you want to see something different at the market you need to lead the way... perhaps you have some 'man-stuff' you could sell? My pet hate at markets is dogs off the leash.. I don't care how well behaved your dog is, a busy weekend market is chaos and has the potential to upset the most placid animal. Leave your dog at home people!
    Thanks for linking up with Weekend Writers at Button Brain xxx

  5. Hi Lon,

    We're lucky were we live there is water everywhere, from the ocean, to lagoons, rivers etc I feel very lucky.

    Yes soy candles do burn longer. The other reason I prefer them is because candles made from other blended waxes often let off a 'sooty/black' smoke. The soy candles do not...

  6. Hi Dina,

    I'm glad that my post wasn't offensive and that you found it funny! lol

    You're right though, I used to be solely vegetarian/vegan and I would find that frustrating.

  7. Hi Safiyyah,

    Thank you for stopping by and following me! I'm pressed for time right now, but I will visit your blog tonight. :o)

  8. Hi Lisa,

    OMG, I had just woken up when I read your comment about selling 'man-stuff'. You seriously cracked me right up!! LOL!! You have also given me my next blog post topic lol!!!

    I have 3 dogs, 2 of which are Very well behaved... But not in a million years would I take them, especially off their leads to a market... Not everyone likes dogs, so the dog risks being hurt, which in turn could result in a bite... plus then you've got people wandering with coffees who may trip..... Ugh!! It would be a nightmare!! I am completely with you there! I love my dogs, but I know where to take them and where not to take them.

  9. Great post. Confirmation that my focus for market items is maybe on the right track. I have only done one market and am trying to get into more. I make handmade cards, all hand inked and designed by me for the MEN in my life. I do other things as well but my market items are Photography and Cards focusing on masculine cards..Thanks for the post. Found your site via Weekend Writer. Great site.

    Handmade at Warratahstree

  10. What a gorgeous photo, Alex!!!

    I love candles and as my hubby knows...I can never have to many ;D

    Hubby goes shopping with me because he is diabetic and counts carbs. If he sees something new that he might like it is time to read the label and I don't want that responsibility :]

  11. Hi Tracy,

    Thank you for stopping by!

    Good for you! Yes, there is a market out there for men, and I am sure that as word spreads you will see an increase in male related sales as not all of us rely on our wives or partners, to make all of the purchases.

  12. Hi Jan,

    Thank you :o)

    lol well that's good that he understands your love of candles.

    Well that's a fair call regarding his diet.... :o)
    Where has your blog gone? :o(

    1. I have a new blog that doesn't have followers or comments because I feel that I cannot devote the time and energy they would require right now due to health and personal issues right now. So my new blog is more like a virtual book or a be read at leisure by those interested in it :}

      I named my blog "The Dusty Attic", a name I truly love...

    2. Hi Jan,

      Fair enough :o) I'll pop over and have a look.

      Take care :o)

  13. I'm pregnant and I get sick of Mother & Baby products!!! There's so much organic goop shoved in our faces on stalls, I'm perfectly capable of raising a child without the need to pay like €25 for an arse cream. Seriously. Yay for candles though! We went to an outdoor boot sale yesterday but there was nothing really there - lots of old rubbish :/

  14. Hey Sharon,

    I hear you about the organic stuff. A lot of people would buy it feeling guilted into it! Being a mother would be stressful enough for some without the extra guilt served up :(
