Can We Trust Our Own Minds?

Friday, August 9, 2013

A number of weeks ago I wrote about seeing a Lisa Williams show, I have also embarked on one of her courses. Then as you know my wife and I went to The Health, Harmony and Soul expo last Friday, where we attended a Mitchell Coombes and a Michael Wheeler show - which were both one hour long. I have always been interested in the afterlife and I have read much about it. 

After seeing those three mediums live, I walked away from all three shows having learnt one lesson. All three mediums stated in their own words that our deceased family and friends, can hear us if we speak to them. Our 'speech' can come in the form of actually speaking out a loud or in thought. 

Now I have always been a non-sleeper. I have so much trouble getting to sleep at night it's not funny, so as a result I usually read until I can't keep my eyes open any longer. However last night was different, I was tired and decided that I would try and sleep without reading. I was lying in bed and the thought that was running through my head was "Am I tired enough? Should I get my book?" 

At the EXACT moment I was having this thought, I heard "Hi love, how are you?" It was my Aunts voice! Well it certainly sounded like my Aunt. You see my Aunt hardly ever referred to me by my name, she always called me 'love'. 

So was that wishful thinking or imagined as a result of the shows I have recently attended? Was it my mind repeating - mimicking something I had heard my Aunt ask me multiple times in the past? Was it actually her? What was it that I heard while I was questioning myself about how tired I was? I wasn't asleep, so it wasn't a dream. Has anyone else experienced something like this? 


  1. Hi! That's interesting. I think our brain can create many mysterious things but then again, I've heard sentences I couldn't have imagined in my own mind. I hear them very clearly when my mind is empty and when I'm receptive.

    I've also seen Lisa Williams on stage and she's a wonderful person! :-)

    1. Hi Marianne,

      Thank you for your comment and following my blog :o)

      I wish the human mind was easier to understand! I really do! lol

      Lisa is in Australia at the moment. Unfortunately I wont be seeing her, but hopefully I can next time :o) She really is fantastic :o)

  2. That is a remarkable story, and yes . . . I have.

    1. Hi Lon,

      Thank you. I was secretly betting that you had :o)

  3. I've never actually 'heard' a loved one who has passed speak to me, but I did have an overwhelming feeling that an aunty of mine's presence was in the room with me, once, years ago. It's never happened since, so who knows? Interesting topic, though.

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for stopping by!

      Exactly, who knows? That feeling of a presence you had may very well have been your aunt.

  4. Wow, that's really interesting. I do believe we can have some connection with the "other side" if we are receptive to it, so who knows, seeing the mediums may just have opened up your mind to the possibilities.

    1. Hey Cathy,

      Thank you for popping in.

      I also believe we can connect with the other side. I am starting to think that,yes, in having seen those mediums lately may have assisted with opening my mind more.

  5. I love Lisa Williams! My issue with this is, I don't have anyone I am/was close to who has passed, so who is it that I hear? Maybe my Grandfather, as I adored him but he passed away 19 years ago and I've never craved his presence.
    I do think most of what we hear is what we want to hear. No-one ever calls back a loved one and hears "I never liked you actually" ... you know what I mean? How can it all always be good news, nice messages. If someone was a dead-set arse in living, then why would that change in the afterlife? ... things to puzzle over.

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Yes Lisa Williams is amazing and her stage presence is so energetic! When I met her in person, she gave me this huge bear hug like she had known me for years! lol

      Over probably the last 8 years, my dad passed and 2 aunts. I wasn't close to my father, and 1 aunt wasn't a-get-close-to kind of person, although we got on quite well. Whereas I was very close to my aunt who passed last year. I do completely understand where you are coming from.

      The aunt that passed a few years ago, I have had 2 very vivid dreams about, one the night she died and another a couple of weeks ago. I would never have thought in a million years that I would have had dreams about this aunt.

      Given that my father an I did not have a good relationship, if a medium tried to pass on a positive message, alarm bells would most likely go off for me big time.

      I have no idea if people/souls/spirits change their mentalities on the other side. But I would find it difficult to swallow should my father 'come through' via a medium.... with some kind of good - positive news...

      The afterlife certainly is a puzzle. So many claim to have the answers, the problem is that so many of these answers conflict with each other.
