Some Latch Hooking

Friday, September 18, 2015

Nothing terribly exciting has been happening here at the moment. There hasn't been much action in terms of selling my shop, I've had a lot of people comment that they wish they were in a position to buy it - but no genuine queries. So for the time being, it's business as usual. Regardless of where you live in the world you'll hear me cheering when someone hands over a cheque! You have no idea how over it I am.

On a more pleasant note I finished a latch hook kit that I started last year. I stopped for two reasons, the 1st reason was that I reached the nose section and there were two orange colours and I couldn't figure out which orange was which! It was sooo frustrating! Even my wife, who examined the colours couldn't figure them out. They were listed as light and bright orange, but telling the two apart was near impossible! The 2nd reason I stopped was because it was summer when I was doing it, and it felt like I had a rug across my knees and it was just too hot lol So when I pulled it out last month I just decided that if I stuffed the orange colours up, tough luck! I wanted it done! As it turned out, I got them right lol

So now I just have to cut the excess canvas off and buy a rod or some rug hanging clips as I'll hang it at Christmas, rather than put it on the floor because my dogs will probably play tug of war with it.

Now I know some (Okay a lot lol) of latch hook kits can look quite tacky and are really suited to kids craft, but I found doing this in front of the TV much easier than cross stitching - especially since I started my first linen project (Eeeekkk!)

So you know I love Halloween! So a couple of weeks ago when I started back on my Christmas kit, I started looking for a Halloween themed latch hook and to be honest, most of them were so basic! I couldn't find anything that I liked. Some of them only had 3-4 colours or looked like something a 5 year old designed. The I found the one pictured above from Herrschners, it was perfect! It was Halloweeny and had enough definition to keep me interested :)

The evening I finished my Christmas one, I was wondering how long until my new one would arrive as I couldn't wait to get started on it lol Guess what? It arrived the next day! Woo Hoo!!

Holey Moley! It's big! On the rug description the size says 69 x 102 cm. That's the finished size, the actual canvas is massive! I started it yesterday and trying to sit on the lounge with it in my lap was an art-form lol  

This kit really is one for the latch hooking adults, I was so impressed with this kit when I opened it up. It came in a clear zip up carry bag, all of the yarn is already separated and in their own little baggies and labeled by colour and yarn dye number! This was one thing I was dreading when I ordered it! I just thought "Oh..... Going through all those colours and separating them is going to take me all day!" The other thing is that the yarn is sooo soft!! Both kits use acrylic yarn, however the Christmas latch hook kit yarn was very cheap feeling. The yarn in this kit, almost feels like real wool. I think due to the size of this kit and the awkwardness of sitting on the lounge with it, it's going to take me a little while to finish lol

I finally picked up the missing wheels for Tango's second cage, so I will put that together at some point - maybe next week if I get a chance. I can't wait to see his reaction as to why he has two cages lol I'll have to post a photo of him checking out his new digs lol 

Anyway, I'll be off! Wish me luck in selling this business!       

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