That Decision

Sunday, September 6, 2015

I last wrote on Wednesday and I was writing about a decision I had made. I didn't disclose what the decision was, all I could say was I didn't take the making of this decision lightly and that it was making me feel ill. I also wrote that the next time I wrote a post would be when my decision had come into effect.

So here I am, ready to spill the beans. As some of you know I purchased a retail business a while back. Prior to purchasing this business I was planing on starting my own ceramics business. Anyway the business I purchased came up for sale just prior to me starting my ceramics business. At the time I thought I could combine the two and create my ceramic pieces in the theme of the store. However the store is open 7 days a week, which leaves very little time to do anything else. So I have decided to sell the retail business for a couple of reasons.

I wrote a post on 12th August:- A Couple Of Outings. It was about my wife and I going out for lunch. I started using a calendar on my PC in February where I note down everything that we do, need to go, appointments, etc. We went out for lunch because when I looked at the calendar I noticed that we hadn't been out together since I started the calendar! Every bit of 'free time' when we're both home together was dedicated to the store. Running a business that's open 7 days a week, plus having an online store, plus managing staffing and then paperwork is incredibly time consuming, draining and stressful. All of these elements equal no life. I've always believed that you should work to live, not live to work.

So the lack of personal time is one reason I'm selling, the second reason I'm selling is that my heart is in ceramics. It's something I have always wanted to do, I started working on this business years back while working a regular 9-5 job before my Aunt became ill - it isn't a new idea. I put the business on hold to care for her, then when she was well again I went back to starting the business. Then sadly her illness returned and it was terminal. I ceased working on my ceramics business again to stay with her, which was my choice and one I will never regret. In my Aunts last days she actually said to my wife 'Make sure Alex keeps doing his ceramics'. She also said this to me a day or two after she said it to my wife. So I guess part of me wants to forge on ahead with my ceramics for her. 

Running my own ceramics business from home will be less stressful for me and better for my health, some might say how is running one small business going to be different from another? It'll be different because I'll be able to choose when I want to work, I won't have the stress of finding replacement staff if someone is sick, I won't have to worry about shoplifters as my ceramics business will be online only, if I want to go on a holiday I won't have the worry of if the store is ok, there are so many reasons. The bottom line is that I won't be responsible for anyone but me.

The reason this choice to sell made me feel ill was that I had to tell my staff that I was selling. This is why I didn't disclose my reason the other day, because I hadn't yet spoken to them. I have a great team and we all work very well together. In my time owning this business I have hired and fired - with good reason, I'm not a nazi. In fact my staff refer to me as a softie lol It was a hard choice to make in selling this business because I do like it, I like the feel of it, I like the reputation it has, I like just about everything about it - except it takes up all of my time. It also takes up a lot of my wife's time as she does the books.

I don't feel that owning this business was a mistake, I believe everything happens for a reason and I have learnt a lot in owning it. However it's time to move on. So I have put the business up for sale, now it's just a waiting game to see who wants to buy it. 

I'm looking forward to the next chapter in my life, I kind of feel that I'm starting from scratch again, in a sense I am, but in a sense I'm not. I'm not the kind of person that's scared of the unknown. My father used to tell me that he was proud of me, because I was always trying things that other people would be too scared to do. 

I'm sure there's loads of people out there with business ideas, but it's the fear that holds them back. What's the worst thing that could happen? The business fails..... So you get up, dust yourself off and try something else. You only live once, I don't want to be an old person one day with the regret of 'I wish I had tried this or I wish I had done that'. If my ceramics doesn't take off, I'll have no shame or regret. Because I tried.

So onwards and upwards! No regrets, no fear, take life by the horns head on and enjoy the ride! If you follow your heart you'll never know where life will take you and the journey you'll be on. So sit back and take in the scenery!

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