This is Lily, the worlds laziest cat! She's just over 12 months old and we love her to bits! So here's some background info on the worlds laziest cat, we adopted her when she was 6 months old from Claws 'n' Paws Rescue. She was living in a cattery with 22 kittens all of which were 6 - 8 weeks old. She had been in care since she was 6 weeks old, but couldn't be adopted out because she had recurring worm infestations and other gastrointestinal issues. So the poor thing spent the first 6 months of her young life in a cage.
Then we came along, and there was no question, she was purrfect for us! She had to be desexed before adoption and then about a week later, we were able to collect her. Due to her being so unwell for the first 6 months, the vet did let us know that her growth had been stunted. This wasn't a problem for us, she was like a pocket cat!
When she came home with us, although she had been exposed to the cattery owners dogs, they were small.... We have two Labradors. For about the first week and a half should either of the dog's venture near her - which they did because they both love cats, they got a snout full of claws! Are you noticing a theme here regarding sleeping positions? She does like to sleep on her back!
So what kind of personality does Lily have? Okay, well aside from being extremely lazy, she's a total busybody! So far we've found her in the washing machine, so the lid is always closed now! She's fallen in the pool, she's fallen in the toilet - the bathroom doors are now always closed! I found her in the dishwasher, I was trying to push the lower drawer in and it wouldn't budge, sure enough, Lily was in there! Shes jumped in both the fridge and the freezer too! The only places shes not been stuck are the dryer, the oven and the microwave as those are always closed.
The worst 'stuck' moment was when she didn't come home for her dinner - the second time. Given that she's a rescue kitty and has had so many intestinal issues, she's is quite a hound when it comes to food! She really does put the Labs to shame!
A couple of days before, she was an hour late for dinner - the first time ever! I was frantic! It was a hot summer day and after calling and searching for what seemed like forever, she casually wandered inside an hour later. Her coat was warm, so I assumed she had fallen asleep in the sun somewhere. Anyway, the worst "stuck" moment happened a few days later.
It was dinner time and she hadn't turned up, my wife was freaking out a bit and I reminded her that Lily did this just a few days before and to give her an hour. So we had dinner, as we finished our dinner we heard the rumbling of thunder. So off we went! We walked down one end of the street calling out her name while lightning went straight to the ground!
Nothing, so we turned and went the other way. We walked down a street and as we turned to go back the other way and my wife said "did you hear that?!!?" At first, I didn't. I stood still and called her name again while I scanned nearby gardens. Then I heard her! However she wasn't curled up in a neighbours garden, she was down a stormwater drain! Just when I thought she already been "stuck" everywhere possible!
I tried to coax her out so that if she did this trick again, she could get herself out. However, she wouldn't have a bar of it. My wife went home and got a sachet of food and even THAT wouldn't change her mind. The thunder was getting louder, the lightning more frequent and the skies were about to open up and little Lily was down a drain! So I ended up pulling the grate off and reaching in and pulling her out by the scruff of the neck as it was the only way I could reach her. Literally moments later, it poured with rain!
Needless to say, she pretty much chose to stay inside for over a week! Touch wood - we've not had anymore stuck issues since!
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