Six Remotes To Watch TV!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sadly I'm at that age where I (vaguely lol) remember when televisions didn't have a remote control. If you wanted to watch another channel, you had to get up off your backside and physically change the channel by turning a dial or pushing the channel number button. Or if you had kids, you told them to do it lol

Fast forward to the present! If you want to watch tv at our house, you have to use at least 3 of the remotes pictured. Starting from the right we have:- Foxtel, DVD player, DVR, Soundbar, the ACTUAL tv and finally the Telstra Roku box.

When did it get so complicated that up to six remotes were required to watch something that you're probably not all that interested in to start with? Firstly you need the tv remote to switch the telly on, then you need to choose one of the other remotes. Will you watch Foxtel, a dvd, free to air or something recorded or will you watch Netflix or something on demand? Then you need the soundbar remote so that you either don't blow yourself out of the room or so you can turn the volume up because you can't hear it....... Because naturally, none of the volumes are the same across all platforms and devices!

It's exhausting just thinking about it! I might go and read a book.... Paperback or Kindle?!!? Geez!

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