No Halloween For Me This Year :o(

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This is just a bit of a mish mash of a blog post. As not much has been happening around here of late for two reasons, the first being that I'm on cloud nine from my pain killers, and the second because my wife is working night shift, so she's asleep during the day.

Yesterday my sister got a really cool Halloween cup from Woolworths (An Australian supermarket chain) so I thought I'd duck up to our local Woolworths this morning before my pills kicked in, which would make driving a little dangerous.... Of course they didn't have any of those cups.... What a bummer! They had hardly any Halloween stock at all, it was mostly Christmas stock. I did however pick up this cute little Jack-o-lantern full of gummy body parts lol. :o)

Today's purchase

Every year I have a Halloween party, except I'm not having one this year :o( I have too many dental appointments in October and they will probably stretch into November, and I just know that I wont be in the mood to have a bunch of people over. So I'll just have to have a killer Halloween party next year to make up for it lol Halloween is my favourite time of year, I love it more than Christmas, so for me to decide to cancel Halloween is a big deal.

A photo from our last party

It takes me about two weeks to decorate our house for Halloween lol I don't just decorate the house, but I also build a graveyard - complete with a smoke machine in the garage lol I also buy new props and decorations every year, which I shouldn't - because half of my garage is already full of tubs and boxes of Halloween decorations.

Some graves and a coffin in the garage

I just can't help myself! I see something new or impressive and I just have to add it to my collection lol. It's always funny when we have a tradesman come around or pest control guy, and they see this great big coffin standing upright in the garage lol

Hanging screamer

The little guy above was one of my best buys for our last party!! I hung him just inside the bathroom.... He's motion activated, so when someone opened the bathroom door he would start screaming, his eyes flashed red and he would start thrashing about. It was hilarious! I couldn't wait for people to go the bathroom lol

Anyway, I guess the upside to not having a Halloween party this year is that, I'll have a bit more room in my garage for another year lol If you are having a Halloween party I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Oh no!
    Are you still going to do trick or treat?

    1. Yes! If they come, we will have lollies lol. Last year we hardly had any kids trick or treating, but the year before it was a never ending parade lol

  2. What you are going through with your teeth, my friend, sounds so very painful, I hope all will be okay.

    1. Hi Lon,
      It has been painful. But I know the end result will be worth it and will also mean, I will have many years ahead of me without all the dental pain I have experienced most of my life :o)

    2. I hope everything is okay with you, as when I click on your blog link, it tells me 'blog cannot be found'....

    3. I no longer have that blog my friend, just click on my name in this comment and it will open a door to my new blog.
