The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Friday, October 25, 2013

Woo Hoo for me! lol I've finished having all of my dental work done for this year! I thought I may have needed more visits, but after my trip this week, I don't have to go back until early January. That's when I'll have one wisdom tooth removed, and a couple of implants put in. I've never had anything drilled into my skull/jaw..... So I'm just going to stay optimistic that it wont hurt too much :o) But I can see the finish line in sight and that makes me happy!! 

So now that I wont be spending every 2-3 weeks in pain, what on earth am I going to do with myself? Well, I still have two rooms to paint and then I'm done. OMG! Done.... The painting was put on hold because of the dental work and the pain... If I had climbed a ladder taking pain medication, I can guarantee I would have fallen right off and landed on my backside lol

My old paint tray has seen better days lol

So starting next week - providing that it isn't too hot, I will paint the last two rooms:- one spare room and the laundry. The laundry is going to be a royal pain in the butt!!! Our laundry is soooo small, you couldn't swing a cat - so to speak. Plus I have to pull the washing machine out, and take the dryer off the wall, and they both weigh a ton! The spare room will be easy as we don't use it and it's empty. I'm hoping to get both rooms done in one week. As you would have gathered, from reading my previous posts regarding me painting the house... I dislike house painting with an absolute passion, so I really want those rooms done and dusted, it's been an epic job.

As I've been painting, we've been having a spring clean as I go, we've given away a lot of stuff to charity and a lot of junk has been put into the garage for council collection. As I will be running my small business from the garage, I am looking forward to finishing the house, as there is one last cupboard in the laundry which is being thrown out. At the moment, my garage is an absolute mess!! Prior to when I started painting and we started piling the junk in there, my garage was always tidy as it diminished the prospects of my ceramic stock being damaged. Plus I just didn't like it looking like a dumping ground....Which is what it resembles now.

Some of my work:- cat themed drink coasters, a knitting bowl and various condiment dipping bowls.

So bring on next week! Fingers and toes crossed that I can get it done in one week, and have the junk taken away. Then I can start my business.... It's been a long time in the planning and there have been a number of starts and stops along the way, but now it's my time.  

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