10 Day You Challenge - Day One - Ten Secrets

Friday, June 28, 2013

I'm plugging Behind Green Eyes blog again lol She always has the best ideas for fun blog posts. So I have stolen this idea from her, which is going to be so much better than my last post! (Well it's supposed to be, I could be wrong)

Day One - Ten Secrets

1. Apart from my wife and my sister, there are no other real life family or friends who read my blog. This is also the same with Twitter. I am aware that there are friends of mine who have Twitter accounts, however I keep my blog and Twitter separate from Facebook. Should my blog and Twitter friends find me on facebook, I am more than happy to add them, just not the other way around.

2. I have always wanted to purchased an old bomb of a car or motorbike and restore it. However, I don't have the mechanical skills required for such a task lol Nor do I have the time, money or space to learn or attempt to undertake such a task.

3. I have a small heart tattoo on the upper right side of my chest. I had the tattoo done when I was sixteen, I lied about my age lol :) I choose that particular design, as at the time I felt unloved and that I would never find love. I've never regretted getting it, as it is a reminder of who I was and who I am now.

4. I hate public transport, especially trains. Years ago I actually went through a period, where I used to have anxiety attacks on trains. I don't know why, the swaying doesn't bother me, but I definitely don't like the smell of them and they always look incredibly dirty.

5. I have an appalling short term memory. Perhaps this is why I was so crap at school lol. My wife will tell me something and the minute her words hit my ears.... They're gone. So it's needless to say, anything that's important is written down or put on the calendar.

6. I'm not afraid to shed people in my life who cause me grief or negativity. I'm not one of those people, who feels the need to constantly surround themselves with 'friends'. Life is too short to put up with bull$hit.

7. Although my friends may say, that I am an outgoing - social person. I'm actually quite the opposite. If I had the choice between going out or staying home, I will choose staying home. When I say going out, I mean to a party or event. My wife an I go out for lunch when we can, which suits us better than going out for dinner. I think it would surprise certain friends to know this about me.

8. I am superstitious. For example:- when I was a kid, one Friday the 13th a black cat crossed my path as I was walking to school. When I walked home with my sister I was hit by a car. So yes, I do tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to such silly things lol

9. I talk to my Labrador Angel. I have no idea if she understands me lol She looks at me when I talk to her, and she appears to be listening, but as for actually understanding I have no idea. It's probably more like the different tones of my voice, that gets her attention. In the past I have also, in my head, spoken to my deceased Grandparents, Father and Aunt. That's nice isn't it? I lump them in with speaking to my dog! LOL! They, like my dog never answer me. I'd probably need a pair of new undies if they did lol

10. It takes me all my time to remain composed when I am out, and I see badly behaved children. Often the badly behaved children are accompanied by badly behaved parents. I just want to slap the parents and ask them what they doing?!?! Manners and common decency, I'm afraid have become a thing of the past and rudeness, and ignorance have become the acceptable alternative.


  1. It's funny I can handle trains but I cannot get on a bus. I'm so glad you don't you regret your tattoo. I'm also glad I didn't get one when I was sixteen other wise I'd a large coffin on my back.

  2. LOL!! Yes you would have!! I heard the other day that 1 in 4 people who ride on public transport have fecal matter on their hands!!! Sorry, that's gross I know, but there's just one more reason for me to stay off public transport! Yuck!!! BTW I'm not sure how they came to this conclusion lol I've never had my hands swabbed when I've purchased a ticket lol

  3. I'm really glad I never got a tattoo either or I'd have the Slipknot logo on my back, aaagh!!! It makes me cringe!! Bad manners really, really annoys me. I spend so much time trying to teach my son respect and it really irks me that other people obviously don't see that as important.

  4. I just don't think people care anymore. Or they think that their children will learn right from wrong when they're older, but by then it's often too late. Good for you, you're a good parent.
