One Photo Every Hour

Friday, June 28, 2013

Last Saturday I thought it would be great to take a photo every hour and write a post about it lol At the time I thought it would be really interesting..... I must have been bored stupid at the time!! lol Since I took the photos I have um-ed and ah-ed whether to post them or not. Today, I figured that since I took the photos, I may as well post them..... My day really wasn't all that interesting lol! If I ever do it again, which I probably won't, but if I do... I'll do it on a day  where I spend more time away from home. Read on if you dare, this really is the most mundane post I have ever written!

The first photo was taken in the dark of my alarm clock, I also used instaweatherpro to show you what kind of day it was outside... Cold and wet.

Next was breakfast. I have to be honest I absolutely hate breakfast, so I always have something quick like toast or cereal. Up until recently, I hadn't eaten breakfast for years. The only reason I eat it now, is because if I don't, my morning medication makes me ill.

After downing that horrible stuff called breakfast and having a shower, it was time to go out, thankfully the rain cleared for a bit. The first stop was a pet shop near where we live, they were having a fund raiser for a local pet shelter. I'm also pleased to say this pet shop does not sell dogs, cats etc from backyard breeders. They only sell pets from the local shelter, which saves a lot of little furry lives. As we had a huge clean out at home recently, we took along a bag of towels, which they gratefully accepted for bedding.

We chatted to the shelter staff and did some shopping for our own dogs while we were there. I'm sorry the photo above is blurry, but this little piggy wouldn't stand still! I took so many photos, and this was the best of a bad bunch. He was so cute! 

Off to the cake shop! We were actually going to a birthday party Saturday night and we offered to bring the birthday cake. Yes we could have baked one, but to be honest.... I had been in the shopping centre the day before and just thought to myself... It'll be easier to just order one lol It's called a Chocolate Treasure Cake.... It's all chocolate!

After we came home from the shopping centre, we had some lunch and watched a couple of episodes of Silent Witness. It's a show that my sister told me about, so we've started watching it, starting with season 1. It's funny because even though it first aired in 1996, which doesn't seem that long ago.. The actual show feels and looks quite dated. However I do like the story lines, they actually remind me a lot of the Patricia Cornwell - Scarpetta book series, which I was hooked on for years.

This is Millie. I have had her forever! Yet I hardly have any decent photos of her, because all the ones I do have, she looks unbelievably crabby! lol She was lying next to me on the lounge, when we were watching a second episode of Silent Witness. At least her eyes are closed or you'd be getting a death stare lol

All this shopping and tv watching requires a cup of tea... and a small sugar hit. Of course on the day I want to take a photo of a cup of tea, all of the nice mugs are in the dishwasher lol So you'll just have to excuse the fact that I used an ordinary one lol Boost bars are also my favourite chocolate bars. My wife buys the mini ones in a bag for me. The reasoning behind this is, in the hope that I don't eat them all at once.... lol Sometimes this theory works, sometimes I need a mid-week trip to the supermarket for a top up lol

Feeding time at the zoo has arrived. We have three dogs, three cats and two fish. When they hear the bowls being placed on the kitchen bench, all hell breaks loose! lol

The presents for the birthday boy are wrapped, and now it's a case of showering and getting ready to go out. It had begun to rain again... Of course.

We're on our way to the party and it was sprinkling rain when we left, and continued to rain throughout the night. I didn't take any hourly photos at the party or when we got home as it was quite late and I was too tired lol

I'm sorry that you have been exposed to such a mundane post! If you did read through all of this.... You should reward yourself with a treat! You deserve it! I hope the next post will be a little more interesting! lol


  1. wasn't too mundane. I enjoyed it.

  2. This is a great idea! I've been thinking of doing a wordless Wednesday kinda thing. And you are so right, the first silent witness episodes do seem very old.

  3. Hi Dina,

    lol You are just too kind! :o)

  4. Hey Kylie,

    lol I thought it was a great idea, but when I looked back, I thought.... geez that day was dull lol I may do it again one when I have something more exciting planned..... And then I'll probably be too busy to take a pic every hour lol
