The Media

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I used to be one of those people who had the same ritual every morning.... I would get out of bed, make a cup of tea and open the news websites on my computer. Before I started my day, I would read all about what had happened in our country (or overseas) while I had slept. Then one morning a couple of months ago, I just stopped.

I cannot remember the exact stories the day before I decided to stop reading the news online, but they were honestly ridiculous. I do remember that the all the main headlines were about celebrities. Really? That's the best that Australian Journalists can come up with? With everything that is going on in the world, you give us celebrities.... 

This morning for some unknown reason, I decided that I would open a news website, just to see if I had missed anything. I really don't know why I did this, as these days I simply rely on Twitter ABC and SBS news tweets for anything of interest.

So what did I see in the news that all Australians must know about? Shane Warne, an Australian ex-cricketer 'and so-called celebrity' had taken a selfie, after he had woken up.... FFS!! This is what I am talking about! Do Australians really need to know this? Will it greatly impact on our day if this is not brought to our attention?

I guess what also annoys me is that, they have specific news sections for celebrity news - if you can call it that. So why is it, that the celebrity news leaks into the regular news, but not the other way around?

Thank you news website, you have only strengthened my opinion that the ABC and SBS, are the only true news sources in this country. What you serve up and call news, is total and utter rubbish.


  1. I hear you! At the weekend, there was a horrific murder down the South here. A mother and her 8 year old daughter were stabbed. What were the headlines the last few days on news here? What Michelle Obama and her children ate for lunch while Barack was at the G8 meetings. Where Michelle and her children went, how Michelle's fringe was in her eyes, how her kids looked bored - of course they looked bored, they're teenage girls and you made them look at the Book of Kells and go to lunch with Bono!!!! The evening headlines were kindly informing us that Kim Kardashian had her baby. I don't......ugh. I don't know if you know Russell Brand, he's an English comedian, there's a great video going round at the moment, he was being interviewed on MSNBC about his new tour and the interviewers insulted him from the start, talked about stuff that was irrelevant like his boots and his clothes, he turned it round on them, picked them up on bad manners, took on the role of an anchor and asked them how they felt about actual important relevant issues, they were dumbstruck. I don't buy papers or magazines anymore at all.

  2. If it is any consolation.... When the Obama's visit Australia, any other events that have happened, are also non-events. Big deal! So the leader of another country is here... It's quite embarrassing really the way Australia panders to international leaders! Ugh!
    Yes I know who Russell Brand is. It was funny, because after I read your comment, I was going to check out my facebook page, then google the MSNBC video, but a friend had already posted it.
    Manners! I had found an Australian video yesterday and I was going to write a post about it, it was about the lack of manners shown to a pregnant woman on a train. It was disgraceful!
    I'm glad he pulled them up the way he did. The world and its lack of manners has certainly gone down the crapper.
