The Smell Of My Past

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I read a post a little while ago over at Behind Green Eyes, she had looked at various perfumes, that she had worn in her life. It's an interesting concept, because we normally think about our past in terms of, who were we in a relationship with, what we may have been driving, what music we liked or where we were living. So I have decided to track down some of the aftershaves/colognes/fragrances - call them what you will, that I have worn during my life.

I was able to find one of the first fragrances that I used to wear when I had moved out of home. I was on a very tight budget, and I believe at the time this was worth about $20, it now sells for $8! lol I remember purchasing it from those discount style pharmacies. Lomani and another one, which I cannot remember the name of, were my choice of the cheapies! They did the job, didn't cost earth and at the time I thought they smelt ok :)

This cheapie aftershave reminds me of being broke - point blank! I used to work seven days a week at two separate jobs, and I never seemed to have enough money to cover all of my bills. Ahhhh, the good ole days! lol

A friend of a friend, who had flown in from overseas, purchased a CK gift set like the one above, at Duty Free for me. I had never had an actual name brand cologne before and I treasured it! I only wore them on special occasions and they lasted me for years, as I was quite frugal with their application. I received another gift set similar to this, a year or two ago. I do like these mini's as they open doors to new scents, that you may otherwise not try.

Here comes the walk of shame... I don't know if the Lynx brand is available internationally, if it is and you wear it, I'm sorry, I'm about to offend you - please skip ahead. If it isn't, let me explain.... The way Lynx is advertised, is similar to 'those' tampons ads. You know the ones that show the wearer of the product, riding horses across glorious meadows and performing all sorts of activities at Olympic gold standard? This how Lynx is advertised towards young men. You just have to have it, because everyone is wearing it, right? 

What the brand fails to tell you is, that once you wear the product just once, it will hypnotise you and leave you feeling that you need more! This brand has not lost its momentum, and there are parents of teenage boys across the country cursing the brand name Lynx. Seriously, you can smell the wearer of this stuff a mile away! Not only do they manufacture 'aftershave' but they also churn out, body spray and deodorant..... All of which MUST be worn at once in large quantities! I would like to take this chance, to apologise to anyone who may have asphyxiated at some point in their life, when they passed me on the street. I am truly sorry.

The next item I would like to introduce is Safari, this was purchased for me out of the blue by an ex-girlfriends mother. There are two reasons that could have prompted this purchase... 1. That I used to wear Lynx lol or, that 2. That while I was going out with her daughter, she actually tried to pick me up, yes you read correctly..... Creepy huh? In any case, I cannot actually remember if I liked this one or not.

Then there was Tommy, Tommy has appeared in my life twice and although I no longer have any left, it is an aftershave I would probably wear again. The first time I was wearing Tommy, I was in my early twenties and had been diagnosed with depression. The medication that I was prescribed didn't suit, and the Dr didn't listen, so I took myself off the medication and went about my life. 

Jazz and Kouros appeared in my life around the same time, I cannot remember which one came first.... But I do remember, that I felt that I now owned some 'adult' aftershave lol I think because Tommy was marketed, as a trendy - young man scent. It's funny, because I still have both of these and I still like the smell of both of them.... But just not on me. 

Yeah, I know that sounds weird... I can walk past a guy in the street, who is wearing one of these and it smells fine. But I feel that as soon as I wear them, they somehow smell different??? It's like I am waiting for that 'one day', where I spray them on, and they just miraculously smell right lol

Okay, New West is one of my favourites and I have had it for ages. The reason being is, that my original New West, was in a mini's gift pack and when it ran out, my wife had a whole lot of trouble trying to buy me the larger size. She was told by many shop assistants that it was no longer being made. So it has now become something of the holy grail in my collection. lol I think that I actually wore this one on my wedding day.

Joop is similar to Tommy, in that I have gone through two large bottles and I don't have any left at the moment. It's also another one that I would wear again, as I feel that like Tommy, it's not an over powering aftershave. I remember wearing this particular aftershave, when I worked in a nursing home, an elderly woman (who was quite feral in her younger days) used to always comment on how good I smelt **shivers** 

I know that I have missed a couple of aftershaves, as I cannot remember them all. There are also a few that I can remember wearing, however I cannot remember what was going on in my life at the time.

My two current favourites are Dunhill Desire Blue and Bvlgari. The Dunhill aftershave has taken the place of Tommy and Joop. It's an aftershave that I can wear during the day or night as it is a fresh scented aftershave. Bvlgari is a stronger scented aftershave, which I prefer to wear either at night or when we go out during the day. The reason I say when we go out is, because I wear aftershave everyday, including when I am at home, even on those rainy days in front on the television :o)
I have not personally purchased aftershave for myself, since I was in my mid twenties! Every bottle since then has been a gift. :o) I am also ashamed to say that, I easily have at least four times as many bottles of aftershave, than my wife has perfume lol. So either I don't buy her enough perfume, or she buys me too many aftershaves lol

I can't help but admire Behind Green Eyes, for her in depth insight into her life at various points. Her recollection is far superior to mine! lol I can remember the early aftershaves and the later ones, but I have really struggled with the ones in between.

Well that is about it! I have given you a brief look into my bathroom cabinet, from the bargain basement cheapies, toilet cleaner (Lynx), and the name brands which I wear today. For those of you who don't know me in real life, now you know what I smell like! ROFL!!!


  1. Loved this post Alex, thanks so much for the mention and I'm so glad you did it! It's great to get a male perspective on scents. And yes, Lynx is still a HUGE hit with teen boys :/

  2. Hey There,

    Thank you and you're welcome! Oh no! I thought the Lynx outbreak had been confined to Australia lol
