November I was invited to join a 'Personal Ghost Stories' group, on Facebook by
a friend. This friend isn't someone I know in real life, we met via Facebook -
she lives in the USA and I'm in Australia. I've been meaning to post some of my
own stories to this group, I just hadn't gotten around to it. So I've decided
that I'll type my stories up, and post them both here on my blog and in the
Facebook group. So here's the first one:-

Approximately 20 years ago, I had come to a cross road in my life. I was
sitting on a lounge chair with my knees pulled up to my chest, I was pretty
much 'asking' my own mind 'what should I do'? As I was doing this, over
the top of my knees I saw, what looked like a dark shadowy curtain, blowing in the
wind, except where I was sitting there wasn't window or curtain - it was also
daytime. When I looked up I saw a dark shadowy human figure, he slowly moved
across the room and disappeared, I 'heard' that his name was 'Mr B'. He was
also floating about 50 cms off the floor. The best way I can think to describe
his appearance, is that of the funeral directors from Oliver Twist. He had a
long cape, top hat and some kind of staff.
I had no idea what I had just encountered! At the time of this event, I was
sharing a house with a friend. I told her what had happened. She didn't like
this at all, the fact that I had said that he was dark and shadowy, really
concerned her. (My friend is also quite religious) I didn't have any further experiences for a few weeks. Then one day I began to see him out of the corner of my
eyes on a regular basis, but always in his 'shadowy, billowing curtain' form.

My friend had not seen him when we lived at that house. At some point we decided
to move closer to the city and that's when my friend started seeing him. We'd
both see him in mirrors, we'd see him flit across the ceiling and one day
another friend saw him - we had not told this friend about him. The new house we lived
in was double storey, I was upstairs and my friend went downstairs to make a
phone call. The next thing I know my friend was screaming! I raced downstairs
to find my friend pointing to a corner in the room, she started saying that she
was on the phone and saw a dark man in the corner, she described him with a top hat, cape and staff..... Exactly the way
I had first seen him! So I told her all about Mr B.
My housemate started telling me that the house would smell bad during the day
while I was at work (my housemate worked from home). I didn't know what to
think, as I had never smelt it/him. Mr B had never frightened me in any way, but I
was aware of his presence. Around the same time, we'd both seen something at different times, travel very quickly along the upstairs hallway, and then out the window of the
room at the end of the hall. My friend said it was Mr B, but to me it just didn't feel like him. As we rented privately, the owner used to come around uninvited. One day
my housemate asked the owner if she knew any of the history of the house?
Specifically if someone had died there. The owner said that she inherited the property from her Grand Parents, and they had told her that apparently someone
jumped out of a window before they owned it - the house was over 100 years old.
Then one day my housemate told me that she felt 'something' try and shove her
down the stairs. That was the last straw for her! So during the day for one
week while I was at work, she would pace the house reading the Bible out loud.
I didn't know she was doing this, until after the week had passed. Neither of
us saw Mr B again.
To this day I have no idea who Mr B was, I don't know what the 'B' stood for, I
don’t know if he was good or bad. . . I don't know if it was Mr B who tried to
push my friend down the stairs. All I know is he appeared in my life, when I was looking for direction....
(Ugh! I tried to add more pics, but blogger was acting up and wouldn't let me!! Grrrrr)