Echovox And New Technology.... Argh!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Yes readers I'm back and I have another Echovox EVP clip for you! lol It's only 20 seconds long, so it wont take you all day to listen to. I recorded it yesterday, but I only put it together this morning. I've also inserted a picture of my neighbourhood in the clip, just to give you an idea of what the voice may have been saying....

It took me a while to figure out how to put a 3rd image into the audio clip, but with some trial and error..... And holding my head in my hands for a while lol I finally got it.... I think??? I still have some way to go when it comes to fading images in and out like the pros do. :) :)

I've also started my own YouTube Channel, where I will also load my clips. In the past I have often watched a lot of videos on there, but I hadn't set up my own channel, so it's a work in progress, my channel can be found Here.

I haven't just been recording EVP's :o) My wife and I went out for breakfast yesterday morning, rather than going out for lunch as it has been so hot here, and then we went to the local markets which were just across from where we had breakfast. I purchased a couple of soy candles and 2 crystals.

It was my birthday last month, and I received some money from my Mum. I had no idea what I wanted to buy with it..... Anyway, yesterday, a whole month after my birthday, I decided to buy a video camera. It's nothing fancy at all, after all I'm not a professional, I just wanted something that I could use for everyday stuff - that was no fuss and easy to use. OMG.... I 'used' to be sooo tech savvy.... The older I get, the easier I want things to be, because it's all just too much, and does my head in lol.... Is this a sign that I'm getting old? Am I turning into the kind of person that needs a 3 year old to program their TV? lol

So I did my research and picked out what I wanted, I found a store that was selling it for the lowest price, but when I got to the store, I noticed that the price on the camera was $80 dearer than was it was advertised for! I was thinking that maybe I had missed a sale or maybe read the wrong model number. Anyway, the sales guy came over and I told him that the camera I wanted was advertised online for $80 less...... He looked a bit perplexed. So he went online and confirmed that I was right, and then gave me an extra $10 off! lol So I guess at the end of the day, check your prices and don't worry about asking questions... And yes, when I left the store, the original price tag displaying the added $80, was still being displayed.... Shoppers beware!

I let the camera charge last night, now I have never owned a video camera for a couple of reasons. The main reason is that I really dislike the sound of my own voice when I hear it recorded. I don't even record my own message on my mobile phone voice mail! lol My friends have video cameras, and when they bring them out, I hardly say 2 words. The other reason is that a lot of people have cameras because they have kids or are into sport etc. I don't fit into either of those categories.

After I read the manual this morning, I made my first 'video'. I haven't used any editing software, I just recorded it and then transferred it to the computer, so I hope that you are able to view it. If you can't it's on my YouTube channel and I know works there :o)

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