Deadly Books and Cemeteries From Around The World

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

I've just finished reading Smoke Gets In Your Eyes: and other lessons from the crematory by Caitlin Doughty. What do I do now? Do I start reading another book or do I wait until my book club book arrives?

I thought the timing was perfect this morning! I knew I'd finish my current book today, and while I sat and had breakfast, I heard the postman and then I heard the scan beep! Sadly, the beep must have been for a neighbour as there were no parcels waiting for me outside. 

I'd like to start reading 199 Cemeteries To See Before You Die by Loren Rhoads, however, should I start reading it today what are the chances that Ghostland will arrive tomorrow? I guess I could make a start on 199 Cemeteries, as it's not a novel. I'd absolutely love to show you some of the images within the covers! But I won't, as that simply isn't fair on the author. Although, if you check the book out on Amazon, you can preview some of the pages there.

I can give you an idea of what kind of architecture you can expect to see. Loren visits the USA Northeast, USA South, USA Midwest, USA West, USA West Coast, Canada, Central and South America and the Caribbean, Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and finally Australia! 

I've been to two of the Australian cemeteries in this book, one of them being Rookwood Necropolis. I was looking online for a photo of the Lidcombe entrance of Rookwood, I used to know the meaning behind the sculpture, but for the life of me I can't remember what it means now, perhaps there'll be something in the book about it. Anyway, when I found the photo above I couldn't help but have a bit of a giggle! I noticed there's a road sign smack bang in the middle of the entrance - the black sign with the white arrow... It says "One Way". So, Yeah.... Only in Australia! 

Anyway, apart from the road sign which I don't recall seeing before (lol) I'm intrigued to see what a visitor from overseas will make of our largest cemetery! I know my thoughts, but I've not travelled the world, so I don't have anything of a similar scale to compare it to. 

It's been such a long time since I've visited Rookwood as I no longer live in the Sydney area. I used to love spending weekends there with my wife, we'd buy lunch then drive on over there. Despite having been there so many times, we even managed to get lost once lol 

A book was written in 1989 called The Sleeping City The Story Of Rookwood Necropolis by David A Weston. I own a copy of this book, and it's one of my favourite books. There are some brilliant historical photos and information contained within these pages.

I've just looked on Goodreads for some further info about the book and discovered that I was the one that added it initially! What's funnier is that I was hoping to find if the book was still in print and discovered there's one review (2017) and it's written is by Loren Rhoads! Loren gave the book 3/5 stars and stated that the book has been sold on Amazon for $200 USD, so I'm guessing at that price, it's out of print! If you would like to read Loren's review, click here.

Okay! I'll catch you all next time!!

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