10 Day You Challenge - Day Eight - Three Films

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day Eight - Three Films

Okay, I'm going to cheat once again lol Hey! it's my blog and I'll cheat if I want too! lol :o) I have way too many favourite movies, so I'm going with favourite film genres.

1. Horror - I'm a Halloween freak and I love nothing more than scaring the crap out of myself. Having said this, I don't know that if now that I'm older I don't scare as easily, or if the horror movies of today are just more gore, rather than plain old fashioned horror. To me so many movies today just insert so much unnecessary blood and guts.... Blood and guts doesn't equal horror.... It's just blood and guts, if I want to see this I can watch a medical drama. One movie in particular that gave me chills, was The Stranger. It's based on a true story surrounding a series of events that happen to a young couple..... The last couple of lines in the movie explain the entire story, and that's when you'll be sitting there in complete shock!!! 

2. Comedy - I love comedy... Except Australian comedy. Australian comedy is embarrassing, and portrays us as a bunch of backward, beer drinking, old Holden driving, hicks who have murdered the English language.... Don't get me started! I would have to say that Irish and English comedy, is my favourite. I re-watched The Snapper only last week, and it makes me laugh every time! There are so many brilliant quotes in the movie! :o)

3. Documentary/True stories - I really like documentaries/true stories. I tend to watch the ones produced by the BBC, as they have created some brilliant, high quality titles. I have watched a lot of them over the years, and I have also learnt a lot from watching them. They're great if you're in one of those moods, where you just don't feel like getting all that involved in the lives of characters. I think the last one I watched was on the History channel, and it was called Life After People. It was quite amazing to look at what would happen to our pets, our homes and our general surroundings, should we disappear. 


  1. The Snapper is a brilliant film. Except when your name is Sharon and you are pregnant. People think it's hilarious to ask me how Mr. Burgess is. I suppose it's a sign of how much everyone loves the movie!!

  2. Ohhh you poor thing.... I guess it might have been funny the first time, but some jokes do get old lol
