The Frugal Queen Challenge

Monday, July 22, 2013

I have been an avid reader of Frugal Queen's blog for quite some time now, not just because of her lifestyle choices, but because she also has some great recipes too! Towards the end of June, Frugal Queen decided that July would be:- "Just do with what I have July". The idea behind this was basically to eat what was in the pantry, fridge and freezer and to only top up with fresh veg and fruit. I often tell my wife about various blog posts that I've read, and when I mentioned this one, she thought - like I did, that it might be a good challenge to try.

However, we won't be starting this challenge for two weeks as my wife has already done the grocery shopping, and fortnightly menu plan, so it would be cheating to start now lol I noticed that those who were participating in this challenge, made an inventory of what they had on hand. . . . I don't know if I'll be doing this for two reasons:- firstly, because to be perfectly honest, I would be embarrassed by the amount of dry and packaged ingredients in the pantry, and secondly it would take me all day to compile! So I will have to have a think about how I will tackle this issue. This challenge, I believe is just what we need, as we have far too much food stored in this house.

When it comes to buying groceries, my wife does the main fortnightly shop, with top ups every couple of days for fresh vegies. I will do a shop at Aldi once a month to six weeks, depending on what we are running low on. One thing I have gathered from reading blogs such as Frugal Queens, is that many people will make small purchases from various supermarkets that they pass by, and that both the UK and USA have more options when it comes to choices of where to shop. The problem we have in Australia is that we are limited for choice where supermarkets are concerned. Coles and Woolworths own most of the market, with Aldi following behind. 

The big two not only own our supermarkets, but they also own most of our petrol stations, and liquor outlets. It's not an easy feat to be able to find an independent grocer, butcher or petrol station in this country. So when it comes to my wife and I doing our grocery shopping, Coles is the closest to home and we don't have a independent green grocer as they wouldn't be able to compete with Coles. So we buy both groceries and veg from Coles, and occasionally meat. The reason a shop is done at Aldi once a month to six weeks, is because Aldi is out of our way so when I do go, I make sure it's worth the trip.

But anyway, back to the challenge! I've got two weeks to rummage through the pantry to see what I can come up with, using what we have and only topping up with fruit and veg. As it will be August by the time we start this challenge, I'll have to think up a new slogan lol unless Frugal Queen comes up with a new one for August in the meantime!


  1. Great challenge, Alex!!! Be sure and let us know how it went after August :}


  2. Hi Jan!

    Excellent, you're back! :o) I left messages for you on my post:- One Aunt - Two Dreams because I couldn't post on your blog. But you're back now :o) I hope that you are being kind to yourself and that life is treating you well.

    1. Hi, Alex! I am trying to be back. At first I didn't know if I wanted comments on my new blog, so except for my posting from yesterday I don't have the comments on. But I am having them on now. One of my good blogging friends said that some bloggers want to say a word or I'll let them, or not :}

      I am trying very hard and writing my poems and posting them along with my paintings and such. Life is good and I want to enjoy it...after all, my favorite season of autumn and my favorite holiday, Halloween are just around the corner :}

  3. Hi Jan,

    Yes Halloween and Autumn (for you) are just around the corner. Just once in my life I would like to experience the whole season and Halloween in Autumn, instead of the heat we have here, for that time of year. It would just seem.....more authentic! lol
    I would love to see the leaves change colour, knowing Halloween was on it's way. Instead, we sprawl out in front of the air conditioner lol
