10 Day You Challenge - Day Four - Seven Wants

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day Four - Seven Wants

1. Marriage equality - I support marriage equality, and for the life of me I cannot understand why so many people are against it. There's so much hate in the world, so why stand in the way of two people who love each other, and want to marry? If you're against marriage equality, have you asked yourself how it affects you? It doesn't.  

2. A new kitchen - Our current kitchen is the same age as our house, which is about fifteen years old. The actual kitchen cabinets are in good shape for their age, it's the design that's all wrong. We have no bench space due to where the previous owner had the appliances placed. The kitchen is also an odd shape, as it's located in the middle of the house. So my wife and I have decided, that since we are planning on staying where we are, that we'll have a designer come out and show us what can be done. It's a big job, so we are looking at having it done sometime next year. I enjoy cooking, but since living here and using the kitchen that we have, it's taken all the fun out of it, as the lack of usable bench space is incredibly frustrating.

3. An end to war and terrorism - I want to live in a world where war and terrorism isn't constantly in the news. There is no such thing as winning a war. When a country decides to go to war against another country, it's the common - everyday person that suffers. I don't care if the war is based on greed or religion, we're all human, and we all have the right to live a peaceful life. So the next time you vote for your future leader, vote for the one who supports peace.

4. A successful business - I have plans of turning my hobby of painting ceramics, into a business. When I say I want a successful business, I'm not saying that I want to create a greedy - make as much money as you can business. I would just like to sell enough of my pieces, to generate an income that will allow me to solely focus on ceramics. I don't want to work a day-job, where my ceramics is something that I squeeze into my days off, or just when I have time.

5. No life sucking - negative people in my life - I think that at some point or another we've all had that 'one friend' who either sucks the life out of us, or after you have seen them you just feel cloaked in negativity. I have done my best to keep these kind of people away from me, but I have struggled in recent months with someone who always manages to bring me down. So here's to keeping their negativity at bay and not draped across me.

6. To travel - One day I would like to travel overseas. I would to go to Ireland, Scotland, England, maybe Canada, Alaska, New Orleans, and the old world - country parts of China, Thailand, Vietnam.

7. To be happy - Like everyone else I want to be happy. I want to be able to look back at my life when I'm old, and know that I've lived the best and happiest life that I could.

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